Life is killing me
brotherhood of steel
Joined on 3/31/09
me too time for my life to end *aims a gun at my head*
work is so frustrating!!!
belive me I am only 11 and I have to do the work my dad does (I am a prince)
aw man
At the end of a day, when you go outside and look at the stars, you know it's all worth it.
Now would be the time for wise words from Dragon... Hello? Crap any way think of it this way it makes you stronger and its good to see a mother. Now if not for your self for you child I wounded wolf always finds a way back home.
the baby killing ya?
whitewolf3307 (Updated )
no, just work and shit like that. The baby is a joy when I come home from that HELL hole they call work. if I didnt need the money I would quit. Some times is just best to call in sick